Out of School Care
HEOSC offers Before and After School Care inside Hillcrest Elementary School. A wide range of activities are offered to engage children from K-5. Children have the opportunity to try arts/crafts, creative play, construction activities, physical activity, board games, and reading. A healthy, nut-free snack is also provided in After School Care.
2024-25 Hours
Before School Care → 7:15am - 8:45am
After School Care → 2:37pm - 5:30pm
Hillcrest Elementary regular school hours are 8:45am - 2:37pm
For information on fees, please see the Fees & Costs page.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Before School Care is located in Room 15 inside Hillcrest. Parents and guardians are welcome to drop children off any time within the hours of operation (7:15am - 8:45am). Children in Kindergarten will be walked to their classes by an Out of School Care leader at the bell.
After School Care is organized into multiple rooms, and pick-ups are at Room 15. Parents and guardians are welcome to pick-up any time within the hours of operation (2:37pm - 5:30pm). Children in Kindergarten will be walked to After School Care by a leader at the bell.
What does Out of School Care look like?
Out of School Care Activities
Each day, a variety of activities are set set up for the children to choose from. Here are some examples:
A craft or hands-on activity (play dough, painting, paper crafts, etc.)
A dramatic or creative play activity (dollhouse, cars, kitchen, camping set, pet shop, etc.)
A construction activity (LEGO, blocks, building straws, etc.)
A physical activity (gym games, sports, free-play outside)
Board games and books
Afternoon snack
Each day, a healthy snack is provided in After School Care. Snack will always include two (2) food groups and follow the Canadian Food Guide. Here are some examples of popular snacks:
Chia Strawberry Smoothie Bowls
Pasta salad with vegetables and chickpeas
Freshly-made tzatziki with naan and cucumber
Yogurt parfaits with granola and mango
Clubs & Camps
After School Care Clubs
In addition to daily programming, HEOSC offers a "Clubs" day once per week. Clubs are a huge hit amongst the children - they get to choose their club based on their interests. Clubs are also not age-segregated like regular After School Care rooms, so children get an opportunity to socialize with older/younger friends. Each month, a new set of Club themes are offered. Some Clubs that were popular in the past include Science Club, Sketch Club, Baking Club, LEGO Challenge Club, and Basketball Club.
Pro-D Day Camps
HEOSC offers a full-day camp on most Hillcrest Pro-D Days, running from 8:00am - 5:00pm. Each camp will be themed and feature fun activities for children K-5. Camps are only open to children enrolled in HEOSC programs and there is a 20-child maximum enrollment. The cost for camp is $45/child. Additional Pro-D camp details will be sent out to families three (3) weeks prior to the camp date, so stay tuned!
Tenative 2024-25 Pro-D Day Camp dates:
Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday, November 22, 2024
Friday, January 24, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
Friday, May 16, 2025
Absences & Illness
It is important to note that the school does not let HEOSC know when children are absent. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to inform HEOSC of all Out of School Care absences. Please email oscsupervisor@gmail.com or call at least 15 minutes prior to end of day dismissal if children are not attending After School Care. There is a a $20 fee per child for unexplained absences.
If a child has missed school due to illness, it is HEOSC's expectation that they are not to attend Out of School Care. As much as possible, HEOSC would like to limit the spread of illness.
More information on these policies can be found in the Parent Handbook.